CeMiSt Yearly Follow Up with DNRF


Counter-acting Pseudomonas invasion: Community-level resistance to-wards Pseudomonas-produced secondary metabolites
Morten Lindqvist Hansen, Postdoc

Yearly topic
Scientific communication accelerated
Lars Jelsbak, Professor

CeMiSt 2023 yearly follow up meeting with DNRF represented by Søren-Peter Olesen, Mette Müller and Morten Ravn- Board Member.



Yearly topic
FAIR data and the effects on research of the progression in digitization and quantitative data analysis
Eva Sonnenschein, Senior Researcher

CeMiSt 2022 yearly follow up meeting with DNRF represented by Søren-Peter Olesen, Mette Müller and Board Members Christian S. Jensen, Janet M. Thornton, Sirpa Jalkanen and Tine Brink Henriksen.


Yearly topic

Where is the Culture of Academia heading?
Lars Jelsbak, Professor MSO


CeMiSt 2021 yearly follow up meeting with DNRF represented by Søren-Peter Olesen, Mette Müller and Board Members Christina Moberg and Clivia Sottomayor.


CeMiSt chemical research
Mario Wibowo, Postdoc

Yearly topic
Best practice for training the next generation of scientists at the Centers of Excellence
Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia, Associate Professor
CeMiSt 2020 yearly follow up meeting with DNRF represented by Søren Peter Olsen and Board Members Morten Ravn, Christina Moberg and Vigdis Broch-Due.


Genetic potential for and diversity of microbial secondary metabolites
Pernille Kjersgaard Bech, PhD student
Chemical profiling and identification of microbial secondary metabolites
Christopher Phippen, PhD, Metabolomics Platform Manager

Yearly topic
Optimal working conditions for transformative research
Mikael Rørdam Andersen, Professor MSO
CeMiSt 2019 yearly follow up meeting with DNRF represented by Søren Peter Olsen, Mette Müller and